Television Film Music Events Videos Publication
The newest and next best thing for the INDEPENDENT community. We're a Production Company based out of the Bronx that is dedicated to helping Independent artists and small businesses with visual content for commercials, event production and entertainment. Currently we are producing the iAS Live Music Review; an online music review show you can watch right here on this site or Verizon & Optimum TV. We would love the opportunity to work for or with you. Icreeupree and it's super team can help you compete with some of the most renowned and admired brands. We come with writers, directors & producers on every scale; single-camera studio interview to multi-camera, multi-crew commercial shoot, in multiple locations. Regardless of the scope or budget, we approach all projects the same way: professional and effective. Allow us to help you with your next project. ... icreeupree@gmail.com
Mission Statement: To assist the independent community of artists and small businesses reach their goals by providing affordable services.

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